ut scitis, Ceasare duce gentes Gallicae a Romanis copiis opprimebantur Vertaling - ut scitis, Ceasare duce gentes Gallicae a Romanis copiis opprimebantur Engels hoe om te zeggen

ut scitis, Ceasare duce gentes Gall

ut scitis, Ceasare duce gentes Gallicae a Romanis copiis opprimebantur. Galli autem semper se fortiter defenderunt et etiam a Britannis auxilium petiverunt. Hi saepe ad Galliam transire solebant.
Ceasari non placuit hostes Gallicos tali modo adiuvari. Metuit etiam, ne tota regio Galliae, quae prope mare erat, a Britannis occueratur. Mora non tolerata Ceasar in Britanniam transibat, at naves ducis a Britannis iam exspectabantur.
Consilia eius enim ab aliquo occulte principibus Britannici nuntiata erant. Longum agmen equitum se ita constituerat, ut Romani ad terram pervenire non possent. Itaque militibus Romanis haud facile erat procedere ad ordines barbarorum. Nam undique arma saxaque ad capita eorum iaciebantur.
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Resultaten (Engels) 1: [Kopiëren]
as you know, nothing can under the command of the troops of the French nation were attacked by the Romans. Aid the Britons themselves as valiant defense, and also from the French, however, always of their indiscretion. These had often crossed over into Gaul they were accustomed to.
Ceasari does not accept them the enemies of the Gauls, in such a manner to be helped. He is afraid, too, lest the whole region of Gaul, which stands near the sea, was, by the British occueratur. The delay was tolerated nothing can not be passed over to Britain, but the British already waiting for the duke from the ships.
hidden source of his counsel is derived from something the British had been announced. A long time the main body of the horse itself in this way he had determined, that the Romans might not be able to reach to the ground. And so, it was easy for the soldiers to Romans not to proceed to the orders of the barbarians. For all sides, arms and rocks were thrown at their heads.
Wordt vertaald, even geduld aub..
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