The Latins, under the influence of the Romans in the ends of the fact, and destroyed the fields far and wide.
, Romulus, who founded the city of Rome a few years before, he went out with his army, put to flight the enemy is intent on his fields, wasting the easy, stripped him their king was killed in the battle. Then, having pursued the enemy, in a short time at the time of their city by storm. When he returned to Rome, he went up to the Capitol, the good ordering of the weapons of the slain of the king of men, and how he took down under the sacred tree. At the same time, a great multitude of men to the assistance, the temple dedicated to Jupiter, he added, the surname of the god. "Jupiter, Thunderer," said he, "I bring to you the conqueror of the arms of the king of these things, Romulus, and in these parts, the temple dedicate to you, to which the descendants of kings and generals of our foes slain; in imitating me, the best of the spoils of the bear."
Wordt vertaald, even geduld aub..